thundercat_larecordpolaroid from STEPHEN’s shoot for LA RECORD, channeling the famous JIMI HENDRIX image
tronTRON helping STEPHEN pack for BRAINFEEDER’s japan tour with AUSTIN PERALTA, (who refused one of my cupcakes, and is officially on my shit list)
mishka-laser-beamsbirthday cupcakes, and MISHKA’s laser eyes attempting to rekindle the fire


what STEPHEN’s show at the GETTY felt like

thunderkitten kept me company during the set, as i attempted to balance her and record this snippet of her pops and uncle (drums) on stage . grandpa cat, NIKO, and GASLAMP KILLER make silly cameos


can’t forget grandma cat, and thunderkitten wearing her dad’s signature feathered look
kitten + me practicing with one of my cameras .
not a bad saturday