for chris on what would have been his 34th birthday
“i cry a lot because i miss people.
they die + i can’t stop them.
they leave me + i love them more.”
– maurice sendak
spectacular collection of amateur photos documenting the intricate history of cross-dressing + trans private life, curated by sébastien lifshitz at galerie du jour agnès b – paris
creeping on the OG LARRY CLARK at last night’s mauvais genre vernissage
“…the goal of my work during the last twenty years.
it has not been to analyze the phenomena of power, nor to elaborate the foundations of such an analysis. my objective, instead, has been to create a history of the different modes by which, in our culture, human beings are made subjects.”
– FOUCAULT, in the afterword to “Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics”
honored to be featured on «anahita’s eye»
a while ago, i sat for an interview with iranian born, austrian bred writer anahita to discuss my work
check it
NORMAN BLUHM’s “inside orange”
photograph of painting by carey dunne
serious late pass on this one
rereading one of my all-time favorites – “balthazar” by LAWRENCE DURRELL
by request.
paris printed, signed + delivered