New York Times article - "The Disappeared Children of Israel"i’m proud to be a contributing reporter on this story for THE NEW YORK TIMES by MALIN FEZEHAI

In the state of Israel’s early years, a number of parents in immigrant transit camps were told that their babies had died. Their families believe the babies were abducted by the Israeli authorities in the 1950s, and were illegally put up for adoption to childless Ashkenazi families, Jews of European descent. A younger generation is demanding answers.

«Last year I traveled to Israel to interview families who have been mired in what is known as the “Yemenite Children Affair,” where there were over 1,000 official reported cases of missing babies and toddlers, though some estimates from advocates are as high as 4,500. The children who disappeared were mostly from the Yemenite and other “Mizrahi” communities, an umbrella term coined in Israel for Jews from North Africa and the Middle East. While the Israeli government is trying to be more transparent about the disappearances, to this day, it denies that there were systematic abductions.» – MALIN FEZEHAI

read the story in full HERE

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